The Benefits of Orthotics for Children

ImageBy: Jill Leviticus

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images


Orthotics help correct abnormal foot positions that can make walking painful or difficult for your child. Although commonly called arch supports, orthotics slightly alter the angles at which the foot strikes a walking or running surface, making walking, running and standing more comfortable and efficient. Your doctor or podiatrist will recommend a specific type of orthotic based on your child’s condition.


Doctors use orthotics, rigid shoe inserts, to hold the feet in a more normal position or relieve excess pressure on the foot. Although you can find arch supports in any drugstore, these products may not correct your child’s specific problem and may even worsen it. Pediatric orthotics can only be obtained from a doctor or podiatrist and are custom-made to address your child’s foot condition.



Doctors use orthotics to treat several pediatric foot conditions, including flatfoot, Sever’s disease and metatarsus adductus. Flatfoot results from a fully or partially collapsed arch and can cause an awkward gait and cramping and pain in the foot, knee or leg. Sever’s disease occurs when the growth plate in your child’s heel becomes inflamed, causing swelling, pain and stiffness in the heel. If your child has metarsus adductus, you may notice that the front of her foot points inward while her heel remains in its natural position. Metatarsus adductus commonly occurs in young children and infants as a result of the feet being bent while in the womb.



Wearing orthotics every day will help reduce the pain and cramping your child experiences in his knees, feet or legs due to his foot condition. Starting orthotic use early can help reduce the chance that a child who has metatarsus adductus will later need bracing or corrective surgery. If your child has Sever’s disease, wearing an orthotic will help reduce heel pain and prevent limping. Kids Health reports that although Sever’s disease usually heals quickly, it can recur if long-term measures are not taken to protect the heel during a child’s growing years.


Your child may feel that she draws unwanted attention if she has an abnormal gait or stride. You may notice an improvement in self-esteem level when she is able to walk without any noticeable problems. It can be difficult to run and jump when your feet and legs hurt. Wearing orthotics can help your child participate in sports without pain or cramps disrupting a practice or game.


Convincing your child to wear his orthotics can be difficult, even if you explain the eventual benefits. Asking him to wear the orthotics for a few hours each day initially can help ease the transition. Orthotics with a softer top layer can feel more comfortable and may encourage longer use. If your child has been faithfully wearing the orthotic but complaining of pain or discomfort, see your doctor. The orthotic may require modification to increase comfort and wearing time.



Article reviewed by Contributing Writer Last updated on: Jan 16, 2011


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